Remote Monitoring with App

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Remote Monitoring with App

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1.Open CC Pro app.

2.Select Job, then select Room.

3.Tap WIFI Icon-100 next to device you want to monitor/control

4.App screen goes dark while app is retrieving the latest data

5.Remote Monitoring via WiFi:

CCPro App-Wifi-Monitor-All

A.Dehumidifiers – Tap clip0014


Power on/off

Manually purge pump

Activate Humidistat and set/adjust target % relative humidity (only for ongoing moisture control - does not provide maximum dehumidification)


On/off status

Humidistat status and % RH setpoint

Pump purging activity

Device model, serial number, job and life hours, and firmware version

Compressor and fan status

B.Dehumidifiers – Tap clip0015


Reset job hours (should be done only at beginning of job)


Inlet/outlet temperature and % relative humidity

Difference in inlet and outlet GPP (grain depression - indicates effectiveness of dehumidifier)

Job hours

Humidity/drying trends graphed over time (30 data points)

C.Air scrubbers – Tap clip0016


Power on/off

Adjust fan speed

Reset job hours (if not already reset at beginning of job)


On/off status

HEPA filter status

Fan speed

Job hours

Device model, serial number and firmware version

View Notifications clip0017 about error events (eg, power outages, etc.) - not available currently via WiFi