Tips & Tricks/08.16.22

How to Remove Urine Odor from Wood Subfloors

Need a proven method to remove urine odors from wood subfloors? Use the following process and ODORx Un-Duz-It Unleashed. It's truly the best approach to tackling this challenging odor removal problem.

NOTICE: This process should only be performed if the subfloor being treated is on the ground floor! This process will find any seams or cracks and drain through to the ceiling of the room below if done on any floor above ground level.

Do not use this process on hardwood flooring, nor on current engineered wood or pressboard subfloors due to swelling issues. This is for SUBFLOOR treatment only.

1. Find and eliminate the source (the initial step of any odor removal process). Clean the affected area to remove as much surface contamination as possible. Depending on the severity of odors, this could involve scrubbing and mopping or even a rinse extraction using a portable or truckmount extractor.

2. Prepare a solution of equal parts Un-Duz-It Unleashed and water. Apply the solution with a watering can or sprayer to thoroughly coat the substrate. Cover the treatment area with 6 mil black plastic to retard the evaporation process and allow the Unleashed to penetrate to the same degree the urine did. For best results, allow the area to stay wet for 24 hours and then evaluate.

3. If the odor is gone, proceed with cleaning with a rinse/extraction process (see #4 below).

If the urine odor persists, repeat the treatment as described above, apply diluted Unleashed, cover it with plastic, and leave it until the next day. Again, to ensure soils and odors are completely removed, rinse extract the floor.

4. After the odor is gone, rinse and extract the urine, dirt and water from the subfloor. To do so, either spray water on the floor and extract it with a wet/dry shop vac or mop and rinse the floor until clean. Use airmovers, if possible, to accelerate drying.

In most cases, a second treatment as described above will remove even the most stubborn odors. However, if odors still persist, apply three coats of Zinsser B-I-N Shellac-Based White Interior Primer and Seal on the subfloor to seal in the odor.




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